Writing training
© Leen Vermeersch - 2017 - company number: 0680.514.584 - account number: BE48 0689 0751 2627

Email and letter writing training

Fool Stop trains your staff on how to write emails and letters: customer-oriented writing training : to-the-point, succinct, clear and customer-oriented     writing email and letter writing training : letter or email, structure and content We use exercises based on your organisation’s texts, letters and emails for personalised training on demand.

Ask for a quotation

 mail to leen@foolstop.be  tell me if you want customer-     oriented and/or email and     letter writing traing let me know on what location     and for how many     participants  tell me the duration you need  let me know if you want your     own texts to be used you will receive a quotation     within two working days
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