© Leen Vermeersch - 2017 - company number: 0680.514.584 - account number: BE48 0689 0751 2627

Leen Vermeersch

Years ago I studied translation in Gent.  Languages were my first love. When I finished my studies, I tried to find a job in a translation agency, but, as if by chance, I started working with the Flemish authorities.  There, I enjoyed freshening up stuffy texts and correcting my bosses’ spelling.  For a while I was a communications officer and later on I was responsible for all hydrographic publications. My love for languages was not completely satisfied… I changed jobs and started working as a Dutch language instructor for VDAB.  To be occupied with language every day was heaven for me. But translation kept beckoning, so I started translating voluntarily for Médicins du Monde, the Museum for Fine Arts, OrientaEuro… And now the time has come to return to my first love. I am ready!
NL - FR - EN - DU